Mrs. Aitch's File Cabinet of Ideas for Nature Study Lessons

Monday, July 25

Nature Study Students Signed Up!

Hey kids (and parents)!   Glad to have you signed up for my class at JCCH Co-Op.    Take a little "hike" around my blog-site.   Check out the links I've posted here for you (along the right side, mostly).  

First Assignment!

MY SPY:   Get a JUMP on your classmates and go outside for a half-hour today.    Find something GREEN and come back here to describe it in one of the comments below.   BUT....describe it without saying what it is...and see if anyone else can figure it out from your description.   I did the first one - can you guess what it is?   

Hot Weather!   

A friendly cicada
These 100-degree days are tough on everyone, including plants (trees and shrubs and flowers) and animals.   I've noticed that the cicadas are making a lot of racket in the evenings, too.   But not as much as last year (thankfully)!

Click on this Wikipedia link, about half-way down the page you can find a link to listen to a cicada "singing."   But don't drive anyone crazy with too much of that "singing!"   :-)

My favorite thing about hot weather?  Hmmm....well, the sun does a nice job of solar-heating the garden hose!!   And pool water is thermally comfortable, too!  

What's your favorite thing about Hot Weather?

Nature Hike

Take a walk outside your own home. Look around at all the signs of Spring in your own backyard! What do you smell? What do you see? What do you hear? Fresh earth, budding plants and trees, birds chirping? How does the wind feel against your cheek?

Keep your nature journal handy....summer is a busy time in the natural world! Jot the occasion, date, time, weather, and anything unusual. Make a simple sketch to help you remember. Doesn't have to look like da Vinci! Just your sketch.

Take note of a special tree in your yard. Keep track of it during each season. Sketch one or two branches right now. Take note of the buds or twigs. Date the sketch, add the time of day, something about the weather. Yeah! That wasn't so hard!!