Mrs. Aitch's File Cabinet of Ideas for Nature Study Lessons

Friday, April 15

Spring Day

68* - slightly over-cast but most sunny - soft breeze on the cheek - birds chirping like crazy - beautiful spring day!   Couldn't ask for better weather!   Small red tulips blooming in full force alongside the back sidewalk toward the alley.  

Nature Hike

Take a walk outside your own home. Look around at all the signs of Spring in your own backyard! What do you smell? What do you see? What do you hear? Fresh earth, budding plants and trees, birds chirping? How does the wind feel against your cheek?

Keep your nature journal handy....summer is a busy time in the natural world! Jot the occasion, date, time, weather, and anything unusual. Make a simple sketch to help you remember. Doesn't have to look like da Vinci! Just your sketch.

Take note of a special tree in your yard. Keep track of it during each season. Sketch one or two branches right now. Take note of the buds or twigs. Date the sketch, add the time of day, something about the weather. Yeah! That wasn't so hard!!